New format, same blog!




Elizabeth Edwards wrote the above quote and it is one of my absolute favorites. I find myself reading it often for personal motivation and inner strength. Every time I read the words, I feel inspired to push myself to achieve my goals and set new ones!

Taking new chances and setting goals can be incredibly scary. What if I fail? What if I cannot be the best? What will others think? What will I think of myself? Over the years I have worked really hard at reminding myself, “Who cares what others think!” I have learned that I will stumble; I will not always succeed the first time. However, if I keep pushing myself to keep walking in faith, I can accomplish anything I want.

So what’s with the blog and the Facebook page? Why not?! I love connecting with people and swapping life stories/recipes/etc. What better way to stay connected with my friends and family but also reach new people as well then through social media. What if someone out there has a new way to juggle work/kids/faith/housekeeping that I haven’t thought of? What if someone reads my blog and they take their own leap of faith to better themselves/their life?

Another exciting component to my launching a blog/Facebook page is that I have embarked on a personal fitness and nutrition journey by becoming a Beach Body Coach! I have connected with an amazing coach through social media and am ready to share my health and fitness goals/progress with others! I would also love to help you with yours!

I am very excited about this new journey in my life and cannot wait to for you to follow along!
